Thursday, May 12, 2011

Secondary Color Correction

Tutorial link :

- the bright red bucket
*Have to desaturate the bucket without affecting anything else in the shot

1. go to Effect > Synthetic Aperture > SA Color Finesse 3, open Full Interface
2. click on "Secondary" color correction tab on the left
3. click on the color picker, click on desaturate and tick the "show preview"
4. turn off show preview to do edit further
5. turn on show preview and increase softness for the bucket
6. turn off show preview and bring saturation down
7. click on "ok" at the bottom right to apply the changes made

8. duplicate footage, select the first footage and draw a mask around the bucket with the pen tool
9. select the second layer and turn off secondary color correction, click "ok"
10. the other red items have returned to the original red, other than the red bucket

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