Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Assignment 1 Progressive Work - Magic Pen

Tutorial link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcF_I_OT480

This tutorial teaches how to create a disappearing effect. It can also create an appearing effect as well by applying the "Fractal Noise" effect and setting the brightness as "-90" for the first frame and "90" for the last frame. I have set the values as 90 or -90 so that the pen will not take a long time to appear or disappear.


1. Create a new solid and apply the fractal noise effect (Effect> Noise & Grain> Fractal Noise).

2. Set keyframe by clicking on the "stopwatch" beside Evolution (under the Fractal Noise Effect) in the 1st frame. Then go to the last frame and change the Evolution value to "5x" so that the effect will have some movements.

3. Also, set keyframe by clicking on "stopwatch" beside Brightness in the 1st frame. Change the brightness to a negative value (-90) so that it is pitch black and a positive value (90) so that it is completely white in the last frame.

4. Change 'TrkMat' from "None" to "Luma Matte" for the footage where my magic pen appears.

5. Masking
-Using the 'Pen Tool', I have also mask out my magic pen.

6. Lastly I have done motion tracking for my footage so that my magic pen will follow my hand movement and look like it is staying on my hand. (Edit Target: Pen)

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