Saturday, May 14, 2011


This exercise had its footage deliberately messed with and I am required to correct the color so that it will look like the original footage. I took quite a long time to finish this as it is a little hard to get an exact color as the reference image.


1. I have selected the black point (darker points near their clothes), grey point (their faces) and white point (the white background) and adjusted the curves.
2. Some adjustments in the Hue Offset for the Master, Midtones and Highlights.
3. Secondary Color Correction (A) for the yellow part of her hat to make it look a little brighter. (Increased Gamma)
4. Secondary Color Correction (B) for the blue part of her hat to make it look lighter/softer. (Increased softness and gain)
5. Secondary Color Correction (C) for their clothes. (Increased the softness, pedestal and decreased the gain)
Overall, I have enjoyed doing this exercise and got to play spot the difference between my work and the reference image.

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