Thursday, May 12, 2011

Primary Color Correction

Tutorial link:

Audience will tend to look at the things behind than the actors.
Thus, the aim of this tutorial is to edit the colors to focus on the actors.

1. go to Effect > Synthetic Aperture > SA Color Finesse 3
2. Under Simplified Interface in the effect controls, Hue Offset, drag the dot in the middle for adjustments:
- Master: to edit the color for the whole clip
- Shadows: to edit the darker colors in the clip (eg. the lady's blouse)
- Highlights: to edit the lighter colors in the clip (eg. their skin)
- Midtones: to edit the majority of the colors (but the highlights and shadows remain unaffected)
3. go to the opposite direction, blue, to get rid of the orangey color
4. click on Full Interface

Rule no. 1; do not keep concentrating on the shot else our eyes will be used to the color and lie about the changes made.
Rule no. 2; for ideal color correction, work in a room with constant light and in the middle of the room so that you can see the same thing everyday.
5. Curves > click on "choose white point" so that it will convert what you think should be white to pure white as it is slightly yellow
6. click on Luma Ranges to see which part is black
7. Curves > click on "choose black point" and select the part that is black (the lady's blouse)
8. go back to Luma Ranges and notice the man's hair is midtone
9. Curves > click on "choose grey point" and select the part that is midtone/grey (the man's hair)
10. click "ok" at the bottom right to apply the changes that was made
11. take people's attention away from the background
- Layer > new solid; choose black, rename as "Vignette"
- select the Vignette layer, double click on the ellipse tool
- change the mode for mask, from add to subtract
- increase the Mask Expansion and Mask Feather
- click on Vignette layer and press the "T" key on the keyboard, reduce opacity a little

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