This is the most complicated effect I did (there are a lot of steps to do) and also the effect I like a lot. I have also added an explosion footage and did some adjustments so that the fire ball (the effect that one of my project group member, Carol, will be doing) will be "bounced" onto the ground and explodes. The footage is not long enough because I have just thought of adding the explosion so I have duplicate another footage, freeze frame for last frame and extend it longer.
Tutorial link: (what I did):
1. New composition name it as "Hexagons" with the width "70" x height "100" duration "5" secs
2. Double click on the polygon tool, change poly path point from "5" to "6".
3. ctrl + d to duplicate layer
4. Effect> Distort> Offset, shift center to "0,0"
5. Go to composition settings, change the width to "64" and height to "110"
6. Scale both layer, change to "0%" in 1st frame, insert keyframe
7. In the 20th frame, change the scale to 100%
8. Select both layer's 2nd keyframe, Animation> Keyframe Assistant> Easy Ease
9. Create new composition, name it as "Hex Grid", width "800" by height "400"
10. In Hex Grid composition, drop in the Hexagons composition
11. Scale the Hexagons composition to "60%"
12. Go to Effect> Stylize> CC Repetile
13. Change the values:
- expand right "700"
- expand left "700"
- expand down "400"
- expand up "400"
14. Drag Hex Grid composition to create a new composition
15. ctrl + k name as "Hex Transition"
16. Create new solid change color to white
17. Select solid layer, Effect> Transtion> Iris Wipe
18. Change the value for Iris Points to "32" and feather to "400"
19. In 1st frame, set keyframe by clicking on the stopwatch beside the outer radius, in the timeframe go to "2"secs and change the outer radius to "650"
20. Layer> New> Solid, change color to 50% grey with R: 128, B:128, G:128
21. Place grey solid layer below white solid
22. Select both layer, Pre-compose, name it as "TD Map", disable visibility for TD Map layer
23. Select Hex Grid layer, go to Effect> Time> Time Displacement, set Time Displacement Layer to "1.TD Map", Max displacement to "-3"
24. Drop Hex Transition composition to create new composition , press ctrl + k and name as "Shield Texture"
25. Create solid, Layer> New> Solid
26. Go to Effect> Noise & Grain> Fractal Noise and change,
- Fractal Type to "Strings"
- Noise Type to "Spline"
- Complexity to "1"
- Contrast to "150"
- Brightness to "-5"
- Transform> Scale to "20"
27. Alt + click on stopwatch beside Evolution
28. Type in the expression, "time*150"
29. Drag the Fractal layer below the Hex Transition layer, change TrkMat for Fractal layer to "Luma Matte"
30. Turn on the visibility for Hex Transition
31. For Hex Transition layer, set mode to "Multiply"
32. Drop Shield Texture composition into the Main composition, rename the Shield Texture as Shield Back
33. Go to Effect> Transition> Linear Wipe, Wipe Angle to "0", Transition Completion to "30%"
34. Go to Effect> Perspective> CC Sphere, set Radius to "110"
35. Change the Offset Value for CC Sphere so that it will sits on the ground nicely, set Rotation X to "-7", Rotation Y to "-90", Shading Ambient to "100", Diffuse to "0"
36. Change the Render to "Inside"
37. Move the Shield Back layer below the Actor layers
38. Go into Shield Texture composition, select Hex Transition layer, go to Effect> Distort> Offset, shift center to "200"
39. Ctrl + d for Shield Back layer, rename to "Shield Front", place the layer in front of the Actor Layers
40. In the CC Sphere properties, change Render to "Outside"
41. Ctrl + d for another Shield Back layer, rename to "Shield Glare", disable the visibility
Create ripple effect:
42. Select Shield Back layer and Layer> Pre-compose
43. Select Shield Front layer and Layer> Pre-compose
44. Turn off the visibility for both layers
45. For the BG layer, go to Effect> Distort> Displacement Map,
- Set displacement Map Layer to "Shield Back Comp 1"
- Max Horizontal Displacement to "0"
- Use for Vertical Displacement to "Luminance"
46. Turn on visibility for Shield Glare layer, select layer and set:
- light direction to "40"
- light height to "20"
- shading ambient to "0"
- diffuse to "100"
- turn on Internal Shadows
47. Change the opacity for Shield Glare layer to "30%", change the Mode to "Add"
Make the shield look like glass:
48. Ctrl + d for the Shield Glare, rename it to "Shield Outer Highlight"
49. Turn on the solo switch
50. Effect> Generate> Ramp, set ramp shape to radial ramp, place the "start of ramp" crosshare near the center of the sphere
51. Effect> Color Correction> Levels, Input Black to "164" and Gamma to "0.49"
52. Turn off the solo switch
53. Hit "T" to reveal opacity, change value to "100%"
54. Ctrl + d for "Shield Outer Highlight" layer and rename as "Shield Bottom Highlight"
55. Turn on the solo switch
56. In the effects panel, delete the Levels effect
57. In the Ramp effect, change Ramp Shape to "Linear Ramp"
58. Move "Start of Ramp" crosshare down to create highlight at the bottom
59. Turn off the solo switch
60. Duplicate Shield Outer Highlight layer and rename to "Shield Color"
61. Turn on solo switch
62. Delete the Levels effect
63. Change Start Color to dark blue, End Color to pale blue
64. move the "start of ramp" crosshare up a little
65. Hit "T" to reveal the opacity, change value to "30%"
66. Change the Mode to "Soft Light"
67. Duplicate Shield Glare and rename to "Shield Floor"
68. Place the layer below the Actor layers
69. Turn on solo switch
70. In effects control, turn off Linear wipe effect (disable the "Fx" beside Linear Wipe)
71. In the CC Sphere, set Shading Ambience to "100", Diffuse to "0", Rotation X to "-90"
72. Turn on 3D Layer
73. Rotate X axis to 90degrees and move it down and position on the floor, scale it to about "77"
74. Set Mode to "Multiply"
75. Select Shield Bottom Highlight, Shield Color, Shield Outer Highlight, Shield Glare layers and go to Edit> Copy
76. Select all the layers in the Main composition except Shield Front Comp 1
77. Layer> pre-compose
78. Edit> paste
79. go to each layer, change the CC Sphere Render to "Outside"
80. go to Shield Bottom Highlight Start of Ramp to "400,310"
81. go to Shield Glare, in timeline at around 1 min, set opacity, go to next 20 frame, change opacity to "0%"
To create a reflection:
82. Ctrl + d Shield Glare layer, rename to "Shield Specular Highlight"
83. Hit "T" to reveal Opacity property and delete the keyframes, change opacity to "30%"
84. Turn on solo switch
85. In effect controls, change Shading Diffuse to "0", Specular to "100", Roughness to "0.102"
86. Turn off solo switch
87. Change the CC Sphere light height to "0"
88. Select Scene Elements layer, go to Effect> Distort> Displacement Map
89. Set the Displacement Map Layer to "1.Shield Front Comp 1", Max Horizontal Displacement to "0", Use For Verticle Displacemet to "Luminance"
Impact on force field:
90. Create new composition name as "Particles"
91. Create new solid and go to Effect> Simulation> CC Particle World, turn off Grid, change Gravity to "0"
92. Go to Effect> Perspective> CC Sphere
93. Change Mode to "Add"